Sunday, December 21, 2008

Secrets of the Koran

Secrets of the Koran Secrets of the Koran by Don Richardson

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
It was interesting to read this book after having read Building Bridges and seeing how vastly different books on the same subject from a different angle can be. Building Bridges took a much kinder approach to the Koran and Islam whereas Secrets of the Koran's goal is to pretty much rip apart Mohammed, Islam and the Koran. A great part of the reason for the difference is that Building Bridges is designed to help Christians evangelize Muslims and therefore encourages the reader to be very careful about what they say. On the other hand Secrets purpose is tell the real truth about Islam with no sugar coating in light of the positive press that it has received from the liberal media and academics. They both have there weaknesses. Bridges weakness is that it tends to hold the Koran to highly. On the other hand the author of Secrets is at points unnecessarily sarcastic when there is no need to be. Because of that it can cause the reader to be distracted from the real arguments he is making. All in all it is a good book that does well a picking apart Islam. However, I would not recommend it for a Muslim because it would make them defensive because of the sarcasm.

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Cross-Cultural Connections

Cross-Cultural Connections: Stepping Out and Fitting in Around the World Cross-Cultural Connections: Stepping Out and Fitting in Around the World by Duane Elmer

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
The main focus of Cross-Cultural Connections is to help provide clarity on the difference between something being different and something be morally wrong when entering a new culture. This is not easily done especially when we don't realize how much we assume are right and wrong issues just because they are what we are used to in our own culture. He does this by examining different parts of cultures such as the way they view time. It is quick and easy read with short fast paced Chapters that keeps things interesting. I would definitely recommend anyone entering a new culture to read it as well as anyone who might want help understanding someone that comes from a different culture or background.

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Friday, December 5, 2008

Building Bridges

Building Bridges: Christianity and Islam Building Bridges: Christianity and Islam by Fouad Elias Accad

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is a good quick read that is pretty much a method for evangelizing Muslims using the Qur'an to build bridges to Christianity. It does this by using the verses in the Qur'an that agree with the Bible as a starting point to build on. The authors purpose is also to take away all of the offense that we sometimes bring with the Gospel that are not part of it. He does this mostly by shifting vocabulary and avoiding certain topics to start with. Overall I thought it was a good book that at times I felt may have been treading on some dangerous water by taking the chance of elevating the Qur'an to highly, but as you read on in the book the author does make a point to wean Muslims off of the Qur'an.

- Daniel

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