Monday, July 7, 2008

John Wyclif: Myth & Reality

John Wyclif: Myth & Reality John Wyclif: Myth & Reality by G. R. Evans

My review

rating: 3 of 5 stars
This is one of those books that I really got into when I first started reading it, but as I got further along I found it less and less interesting. It starts off describing the rise of universities in 13th century Europe (specifically England). This is by far the best part of the book as the author paints a vivid picture of how the first universities began. Oddly enough the least interesting part was the part specifically about Wyclif. It is very well researched, but it just didn't have much life to it. Bottom line is that I believe the author does a much better job describing the world in which Wyclif lived than the life of Wyclif. However, it is a worthwhile read if you are interested in the beginning of present day universities.

View all my reviews.

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